In the early days, the most popular form of cannabis edibles were brownies, cookies, or other baked goods made with CBD/THC-infused cannabis oil or butter. But nowadays, that’s all changed and there is a wealth of infused edibles on the market. However, for those working in the cannabis industry, there are some important aspects of edibles to be aware of, which is why What’s Your Treat has collected them for you here!

Why Do Some People Use Cannabis Edibles?
Understanding why some people prefer cannabis edibles as opposed to other methods of consuming CBD or THC is important for a number of reasons. Firstly, infused edibles may be a more comfortable method of consumption for them than other, more traditional types of cannabis use. Additionally, using edibles can be done with discretion and is much less obvious than smoking cannabis, or using it other ways. Also, there are no extra accessories required to consume edibles. Many also prefer infused edibles to sprayed edibles because sprayed edibles excrete the cannabinoid and it melts off, forming an oil that sits at the bottom of the bag or container, it doesn’t ship well and tastes bad.
For those with specific medical conditions, edibles are more beneficial because you don’t need to smoke them and they’re easier for seniors, and others with more serious conditions to consume.
How Edibles Work Once Consumed
Unlike inhaling cannabis smoke, edibles work much more slowly when introduced into your system, often taking anywhere from 30 minutes to four hours until you feel their full effects. This means those working in cannabis retail should always advise new edible customers to start out slow and work their way up to their preferred dosage. It’s important to note as well that edibles don’t have the same properties or effects as strips, tinctures, or oral sprays, as these are absorbed much more quickly into the body’s system.
Things to Keep in Mind When Selling Cannabis Edibles
In Canada, there are strict regulations surrounding the sale of edibles, so anyone with a cannabis retail certification needs to follow these guidelines closely if they want to remain in business. These restrictions and regulations, implemented by Health Canada, are to keep such products away from minors and detail the health risks involved with cannabis consumption.
There are regulations on the sale, packaging, and advertising of edibles that state that:
- All products must have nutrition facts, THC/CBD levels, ingredients, and allergens clearly stated on the label.
- Any product packaging needs to be unappealing to minors, child-resistant, and plain.
- There can be no added vitamins or minerals to cannabis edibles.
- There can be no alcohol or nicotine added to them.
- All products must also contain a health warning message.
For edible CBD, THC gummies, and more contact us today!
If you’re looking for cannabis edibles, candies, and CBD/THC-infused products, contact us online today or call (704) 684-5276.